How long are the gym sessions on your workout programmes?
On average they last anywhere between 45mins to 90mins
Do any of your programmes include any cardio?
Yes, LISS (Low-intensity steady state) cardio, but mainly weights
As a woman I don’t want to do weights, I don’t want to look like a man! Will your programme make me look like a man?
No LOL. My programme will not make you look like a man and there is a lot that needs to be taking into account when it comes to gaining muscle mass and size.
Are your programmes suitable for beginners?
My programmes are suitable for ALL levels
I have abdominal separation, are your programmes suitable for me?
I would strongly suggest reaching out to Kimmyfitness who is a pre and postnatal speciesist. I will suggest involving some of her training with the programme.
Why haven’t I received my programme or an email?
Please check your inbox and spam.
Am I still expected to lift heavy during that time of the month for ladies?
No, I strongly advise taking the weight down and focusing more on technique or more eccentric.